With Loopia Domain Protection you protect yourself against identity theft, domain hijacking and domain-related spam. From only 80 SEK/year
As soon as you register a domain, your personal information will automatically be displayed in a register (Whois). What is visible and not in this register depends on which domain you have registered and whether you are an individual or a company.
The public data can then be misused by spammers and domain pirates to e.g. create mailing lists and/or steal domain names or identities.
By using Loopia Domain Protection, generic data will be displayed in Whois instead of your personal information and contact details.
When using Loopia Domain Protection, your personal details are replaced with the address and phone number of Domain Trusteees UK LTD in the public Whois register. You are, of course, still the holder of the domain with full control and the right to sell, renew, terminate or transfer your domain name.
Log in and order Loopia Domain Protection
Since GDPR entered into force on May 25th, 2018, a lot of information is hidden in Whois. Read more here about what is displayed and what is not.
The domain types .at, .biz, .cc, .club, .com, online, site, tech, .email, .gratis, .guru, .info, .link, .mobi, .name, .net, .org, .tv and .website can be protected with Loopia Domain Protection.
If you have registered your domain names as an individual, your public information is already protected.
Your one-year period begins when you activate Loopia Domain Protection. If you choose to deactivate Loopia Domain Protection and then choose to activate it again, you will be charged for a new one-year period.
If you need help, our award-winning support team is available 24/7 to answer any questions.
Contact usCopyright Loopia AB 1999 - 2025
Loopia is part of team.blue
Loopia AB, Kopparbergsvägen 8, 722 13 Västerås
Org.nr: 556633-9304
Loopia’s services run on renewable energy